Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ive posted before about my amazing children,
Today as I write that I write it with severe sarcasm,
and not because they arnt awesome,
but because they act like 2 WILD CAGED DEPRIVED animals.
It has been raining out for the last few days, which means that Thing 1 and Thing 2 as I will now lovingly call them, have been locked in the house.
I don't know what happens when there outdoor freedom gets taken away due to rain clouds but I do know they seem to be spending ALOT more time on timeouts than normal.
And to top it off they
now have a desire to talk about poop, farting and butts all the time.
I mean come on, SERIOUSLY!
I don't know what the fascination with the ARSE is 'but' I need it to stop.
Ohhh and lets not forget, their tongues are constantly being stuck out at each other.
I find this 'stage; or 'phase' of their lives very annoying.
As I write this they are running back and forth banging into one wall and then another, I feel as though I am living in an actual NUT HOUSE.
Last night was the family's weekly movie night, and they had it taken away due to their actions, and tonight DH is supposed to take Thing 1 to a monster truck show,
and I am near ready to take that away as well,
I feel like the bad cop, I hate feeling like the bad cop.
I don't even want to be a cop....
OK that's it I hand in my badge, release myself of this chaos, I will spend sometime with something that makes me feel warm and special and NEVER says anything...
My bed, and Pillow..... Nap time, here I come, DH can take over for a bit

And yes I know they look like little angels, but today looks really seem to be deseving

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

April sure is a busy month,
between Easter and birthdays I seem
to be eating a bunch of food that
I really shouldn't be.
And it really is hard when chocolate seems to be lurking around every corner
calling me
Soooo I did,
and now it is time to get back to the grind.

However the last few days have been very eventful,
I celebrated my birthday,
and no it wasn't all that great as I am feeling old now.
Every year I cringe more and more as my birthday comes around.
But its over now and the girls made sure I had a good distraction,
they took me out and for cake and coffee and
we shared stories, gossip and a few much needed laughs.
I had a very uplifting day,
however in the morning it was me who got up with the kids...
me who made breakfast...
and me who hoped for at least a card,
but my husband made the most heartfelt comment " What do you mean you wanted a card, I just got you one for valentines day, do you want one all the time"
all I have to reply to that is
But I know he loves me, he just dosent know how to read the subtle lines I lay out
Him: what do you want for your birthday babe
ME: Ohh nothing, just you and the kids are all I need.

Now what I really meant,
No I don't need anything, well maybe a card to show how you feel, since you have a hard time saying it, but if not well then I will just clench my teeth and smile.

He is a great husband, just lacking a bit in the romance department.
Thank goodness for wonderful friends though.
I had a wonderful day thanks to them.
I love my ladies.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter has finally come and gone..again.
Eggs were searched for, found.
Chocolate was devoured,
and Hyper activity was rampid.
The kids had more fun then ever
which makes this crazy holiday all the more perfect.
It was nice as Richie is in 'the field' but was able to come
for the weekend to see thew kids
and be part of the madness.
The "Bunny" left the eggs outside to be found,
and the kids woke up and in their pj's searched out the eggs... filled with chocolate and unfortunatly some of the plastic eggs had become home to a few unwanted guests, SLUGS.
But none the less a hit.
I know to alot this is a religious holiday,
to us its about the bunny, basket, and being together, all hyped up on sugar.