Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So tomorrow is the house inspection on this place.
I cannot wait until it is done and finished,
I am tired
I am stressed
my kids are running wild, screaming, yelling(and no they are NOT the same thing)
they just cant seem to listen to a word I am saying today.
So tomorrow,
The MFRC will watch these two MANIACS while I do some volunteering for them when the inspection is taking place.
Richie will be here,
thank goodness because I need a little me time for a bit.
And hopefully all goes well, and we can start planning our HHT, and hopefully find ourselves a nice home.
I find this whole move becoming stresful. There were alot of changes to what the IRP offers and now they expect a complete door to door move, I dont know how they expect us to get it exactly that way, but we WILL try our hardest.
need to think POSITIVE.

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